Title: Succubus Blues
Author: Richelle Mead
Position in Series: First in a series of six
books, the Georgina Kincaid Series
Oh boy. Let
me first just state, for the record, that this has got to be my all time
favourite series...ever. I absolutely love these books. What Richelle Mead has
created here is incredible, a complete story world filled with so many great
characters, and so many twists and turns throughout the series you’ll never
guess what’s going to come. Love. It.
Now, let me
talk about the book itself. The story follows sexy succubus Georgina Kincaid
and her group of friends (human and not-so-human). In the human category we
have Georgina’s co-workers from the bookstore: Warren, Georgina’s occasional
sex buddy and Doug, her fellow assistant manager and singer extraordinaire.
Also on this list we have Seth, famous writer, whose books Georgina happens to
worship, and who Georgina would given anything to touch, but can’t (for fear of
sucking the life out of him). In the not-so-human category we have the devilish
imp, Hugh; the vampires Peter and Cody; the angel Carter and the demon boss
Jerome. All together, you’ve got all the well known supernatural brands, plus a
few others that pop up in this book and others in the series. You may think it
all sounds a little mismatched and thrown together, but I assure you, it works
In this,
the first book in the series, Georgina finds herself battling between love
interests (after having previously sworn off relationships with "good” men,
because she hates her job as succubus), writer Seth and mysterious Roman. On
principle, she can’t be with either, because she doesn’t want to suck the life
out of them, but she can’t seem to get rid of either one, and she finds herself
falling in love.
something sinister seems to have taken an interest in Georgina, and fellow
supernaturals are getting killed and beaten up around the city, and Georgina’s
boss, Jerome and his drinking buddy Carter won’t give her a straight answer
about what is going on. So, naturally, she finds out for herself...putting
herself in even more danger. Wouldn’t make a good book if she just sat back
like her boss told her to, would it?
So, all in
all, you’ve got action, romance, and some steamy encounters that do a succubus
proud (well, they do involve one). This is a great book, and an even greater
series, and you can’t help but fall for Georgina, Seth, and every one of their
friends. Absolutely a book to buy!
Rating: 10/10