Title: Insatiable
Author: Meg Cabot
Position in Series: Part of a trilogy (I think).
Hm, this
one was...I’m not really sure where to start with this one. I can’t even really
give you an overall opinion on it, because I’m not really sure if I liked it or
not. I mean, it wasn’t blow-me-away brilliant, but I finished it, so it wasn’t
awful either. "Mediocre” seems like a good word to describe it.
The story
itself follows three main characters. First, we have Meena Harper, writer for
the tv show Insatiable, who has the ability to tell when and how people are
going to die. She’s made it a habit to try and help people when she sees
something, but no-one ever listens. Oh, and she’s sick of hearing about
vampires, since they seem to be overtaking her beloved show to get better
Next, we
have Lucien Antonescu, vampire. As the prince of darkness, Lucien is not only
gorgeous and powerful, but he controls (well, he’s supposed to) all the evil in
the world. When the bodies of three dead girls, drained of blood, turn up in
New York, Lucien pays a visit to find and deal with the culprits. And, of
course, meets Meena Harper in the process.
Also drawn
in by the killings, and the promise of the prince of darkness being in town,
vampire hunter Alaric Wulf finds himself in New York, and, naturally, also
meets Meena Harper. Semi-love triangle ensues. Not that Meena knows Alaric is
falling for her.
I found
this to be one of those books where there isn’t an obvious "good” and "bad”
guy. At the beginning, I found myself rooting for Meena and Lucien, as Alaric
was a bit of an arrogant a-hole. But as things progressed, and I got to know
Alaric, I started to like him, and with Meena converting him, he became more of
a "good” guy. In the end, both Lucien and Alaric were in a sort of gray area,
neither being good or bad, per se, and I wasn’t really sure who I wanted to
come out on top and win the girl’s heart. Personally, I didn’t like this too
much. But that’s just me.
As the book
progresses, things get more and more hectic, with the killings escalating along
with the vampire influence (much to Meena’s dismay). And what good vampire book
doesn’t end in a massive battle? And to make things betters, there’s no
cliff-hanger. Despite being part of a trilogy, this books ends quite nicely.
Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll buy the next book. A part of me wants to know
what happens next, and to find out who does win the girl’s heart, so chances
are I will buy it. I don’t like leaving stories unfinished, afterall, and this wasn’t
awful enough to warrant abandoning.
not the best book I’ve ever read, but still a fairly good read.
Rating: 6/10